Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January 14th NAHS teachers visit NAMS

Today was an extraordinary opportunity for the NAMS teachers to connect with their high school colleagues.   This year the district has prioritized vertical alignment k-12, and today was an impressive step forward.

High school and Middle school facilitators joined together to facilitate teacher discussions specific to grade level expectations and best practice strategies.  The goal was for all teachers to gain a better understanding of the collaborative work occurring at both schools.  Under the facilitators' guidance, teachers identified 2-3 most important skills that all students should know and be able to do at the beginning and  end of the year.  This discussion served as the springboard for broader and deeper conversations about how North Andover teachers can improve their instructional practice to benefit all students.

Positive feedback has prevailed, and we look forward to more time to not only meet with the high school teachers but our elementary colleagues as well.